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Marc Marquez Selamat dari Kecelakaan di Sprint Race

Moto Gp – Marc Marquez, pembalap MotoGP terkenal, mengalami momen menegangkan saat Sprint Race terakhir. Insiden ini terjadi ketika Marquez sedang berada di posisi yang kompetitif, namun kehilangan kendali atas motornya di tikungan tajam.

Kronologi Kejadian

Pada awal lomba, Marquez menunjukkan performa impresif, namun saat memasuki lap tengah, motor yang dikendarainya terlihat mulai tidak stabil. Kecepatan tinggi dan kondisi lintasan yang licin menyebabkan ban belakang kehilangan traksi, membuat motor tergelincir.

Respon dan Keselamatan

Refleks cepat dan keterampilan Marquez dalam mengendalikan motor di saat kritis berhasil mencegah kecelakaan fatal. Dia dengan sigap melakukan manuver untuk menghindari benturan keras dengan pembatas lintasan dan pengendara lain. Marquez akhirnya mampu berhenti dengan aman di area run-off, meskipun terlihat jelas ia terkejut dengan kejadian tersebut.

Reaksi Tim dan Penonton

Tim Repsol Honda dan para penonton sempat terkejut dengan insiden ini. Namun, dengan sigap tim medis dan teknis memastikan kondisi Marquez baik-baik saja. Penonton memberikan apresiasi atas kemampuan luar biasa Marquez dalam menghadapi situasi darurat tersebut.

Dampak pada Balapan dan Kejuaraan

Insiden ini mempengaruhi posisi akhir Marquez di Sprint Race, namun tidak mengurangi semangat dan determinasi pembalap asal Spanyol ini. Marquez tetap optimis dan berjanji akan tampil lebih baik di balapan berikutnya. Insiden ini juga menjadi pengingat pentingnya keselamatan dan kesiapan fisik serta mental dalam setiap balapan.

Analisis Teknis

Para analis mengemukakan bahwa faktor kondisi lintasan dan kecepatan tinggi menjadi penyebab utama insiden tersebut. Teknologi canggih pada motor Honda RC213V turut membantu Marquez dalam mengendalikan situasi kritis ini.

Honda Siapkan Pengganti Motor Bebek Legendaris yang Disuntik Mati

Honda – Honda baru saja mengumumkan rencana untuk menghadirkan pengganti motor bebek legendaris yang produksinya telah dihentikan. Pengumuman ini mengejutkan banyak penggemar otomotif, terutama pecinta motor bebek yang telah lama dikenal dengan kehandalan dan efisiensinya.

Sejarah Motor Bebek Legendaris

Motor bebek legendaris Honda memiliki sejarah panjang di Indonesia. Motor ini dikenal luas karena ketangguhan, efisiensi bahan bakar, dan kemudahan dalam perawatan. Banyak masyarakat yang menggunakan motor ini untuk berbagai keperluan, baik untuk aktivitas sehari-hari maupun untuk usaha.

Alasan Penghentian Produksi

Keputusan untuk menghentikan produksi motor bebek ini didasarkan pada beberapa faktor, termasuk perkembangan teknologi dan perubahan preferensi konsumen. Konsumen kini lebih cenderung memilih motor dengan teknologi terbaru yang menawarkan kenyamanan dan fitur-fitur modern.

Spesifikasi Motor Pengganti

Motor pengganti yang sedang disiapkan oleh Honda diperkirakan akan membawa sejumlah inovasi. Beberapa spesifikasi yang diharapkan meliputi mesin yang lebih efisien, fitur keselamatan yang ditingkatkan, serta desain yang lebih modern dan stylish. Motor ini diharapkan dapat memenuhi kebutuhan konsumen yang terus berkembang.

Dampak di Pasar Otomotif

Kehadiran motor pengganti ini diperkirakan akan menghidupkan kembali segmen pasar motor bebek yang sempat meredup. Dengan inovasi terbaru yang dihadirkan, Honda berharap dapat menarik minat konsumen baru serta mempertahankan loyalitas pelanggan lama.

Tanggal Peluncuran dan Harga

Meski belum ada tanggal resmi peluncuran, motor pengganti ini diperkirakan akan diperkenalkan dalam waktu dekat. Mengenai harga, Honda masih menjaga informasi ini namun diharapkan harga akan kompetitif untuk menjangkau berbagai kalangan.

Prestasi dan Pelatihan Unggulan Jagoan Safety Riding Honda

Honda – Dalam dunia otomotif, Honda dikenal tidak hanya karena kualitas motornya, tetapi juga komitmennya terhadap keselamatan berkendara. Salah satu upaya nyata adalah melalui program safety riding yang mereka kembangkan. Honda telah menghasilkan sejumlah “jagoan” dalam bidang ini, yang tidak hanya ahli dalam mengendarai motor dengan aman, tetapi juga berperan sebagai duta keselamatan berkendara.

Program dan Pelatihan Safety Riding

Honda memiliki program pelatihan yang komprehensif untuk meningkatkan keterampilan dan kesadaran pengendara tentang pentingnya keselamatan. Program ini mencakup berbagai aspek seperti teknik mengemudi, penanganan motor dalam kondisi darurat, serta pemahaman tentang aturan lalu lintas yang baik.

Prestasi dalam Safety Riding

Para jagoan safety riding Honda telah berprestasi baik di tingkat nasional maupun internasional. Mereka seringkali mengikuti kompetisi yang menguji kemampuan berkendara dan pengetahuan mereka tentang keselamatan di jalan raya. Prestasi ini tidak hanya membawa nama baik Honda, tetapi juga meningkatkan kesadaran akan pentingnya keselamatan berkendara di kalangan masyarakat luas.

Peran Honda dalam Meningkatkan Keselamatan Berkendara

Honda terus berinovasi dalam teknologi keselamatan untuk motor mereka, seperti sistem pengereman canggih dan fitur keselamatan lainnya. Selain itu, Honda juga aktif dalam kampanye keselamatan berkendara, bekerja sama dengan berbagai lembaga dan komunitas untuk menyebarkan pesan penting ini.

Supra X: Simbol Estetika dalam Dunia Sepeda Motor

Honda Supra X telah menjadi salah satu ikon dalam dunia sepeda motor, terutama di Indonesia, di mana motor ini telah menjadi favorit sejak lama. Tidak hanya dikenal karena performanya yang handal dan daya tahan mesinnya, tetapi juga karena desainnya yang menggoda. Dalam artikel ini, kita akan menjelajahi mengapa Supra X telah menjadi idaman estetik bagi banyak penggemar sepeda motor.

Supra X dikenal tidak hanya karena performa dan ketahanan mesinnya yang andal, tetapi juga desainnya yang menarik. Pada artikel kali ini kita akan mendalami alasan mengapa Supra

1. Desain klasik yang masih relevan

Salah satu alasan mengapa Supra Meski Supra X telah mengalami beberapa kali pembaruan desain selama bertahun-tahun, bentuk dasar dan estetika Supra X tetap tidak berubah. Garis-garis yang rapi, proporsi yang tepat, dan elemen desain yang khas menjadikan Supra

2. Keindahan dalam kesederhanaan

Supra X dikenal dengan kesederhanaannya yang indah. Meskipun Supra X tidak secanggih atau futuristik seperti beberapa model lainnya, daya tariknya didasarkan pada keindahan dan kesederhanaan. Desain yang bersih dan minimalis menunjukkan bahwa keindahan sejati seringkali terletak pada konsistensi dan kejelasan desain, bukan pada kompleksitas atau detail yang berlebihan.

3. Daya Tarik Nostalgia

Bagi banyak orang, Supra X juga memancarkan daya tarik nostalgia. Bagi yang tumbuh besar dengan motor ini atau memiliki kenangan indah dengan Supra X masa lalu, melihat atau mengendarainya bisa membawa rasa nostalgia yang kuat. Hal ini menjadikan Supra X tidak hanya sebagai kendaraan praktis, tetapi juga simbol kenangan masa lalu dan kehangatan yang terkait.

4. Kemudahan Kustomisasi

Supra X menawarkan pemiliknya kemampuan untuk menyesuaikan sesuai selera mereka sendiri. Mulai dari warna cat hingga aksesoris, Supra X menawarkan banyak ruang bagi pengguna untuk mengekspresikan diri dan menciptakan sepeda motor yang sesuai dengan gaya dan kepribadian mereka. Kemampuan penyesuaian Supra X meningkatkan daya tarik estetika bagi banyak penggemar sepeda motor. 5. Status Ikonik

Akhirnya Supra X meraih status ikonik di dunia sepeda motor khususnya di Indonesia. Supra X merupakan salah satu motor ternama dan disegani di tanah air, auranya mampu menarik perhatian dan kekaguman siapapun yang melihatnya. Pendiriannya yang ikonik ini semakin menambah daya tarik estetika Supra X dan menjadikannya idaman banyak orang.

Supra X telah menjadi simbol estetika dalam dunia sepeda motor. Meski banyak model baru yang bermunculan, Supra memiliki daya tarik yang tak lekang oleh waktu.

The Honda NSX: A Supercar Legend

The Honda NSX is a mid-engine sports car that was produced by Honda from 1990 to 2005, and again from 2016 to 2022. The NSX was designed to compete with other high-performance sports cars, such as the Ferrari 348 and the Porsche 911.

The First Generation NSX

The first generation NSX was introduced in 1990. It was powered by a 3.0-liter V6 engine that produced 270 horsepower. The NSX was praised for its handling and performance, and it quickly became a popular sports car.

The Second Generation NSX

The second generation NSX was introduced in 2016. It was powered by a twin-turbocharged 3.5-liter V6 engine that produced 573 horsepower. The second generation NSX was also available as a hybrid model.

The NSX and Ayrton Senna

One of the most interesting things about the NSX is its connection to Ayrton Senna. Senna, who was a three-time Formula One world champion, was heavily involved in the development of the NSX. He helped to tune the car’s suspension and handling, and he also provided feedback on the car’s overall design.

The Legacy of the NSX

The NSX is a legendary sports car that has had a significant impact on the automotive industry. It is a car that is known for its performance, handling, and reliability. The NSX is a true classic, and it is sure to be remembered for many years to come.

Here are some additional facts about the NSX:

  • The NSX was the first all-aluminum production car.
  • The NSX was the first production car to feature VTEC (Variable Valve Timing & Lift Electronic Control).
  • The NSX was the first production car to feature a titanium connecting rod.
  • The NSX was the first production car to feature a mid-mounted V6 engine.
  • The NSX was the first production car to be designed with the help of a Formula One driver.

The Future of the NSX

Honda has not announced any plans for a future NSX model. However, the NSX is a legendary car, and it is sure to be revived in some form in the future.

The Honda Civic: A History of Innovation

The Honda Civic is a popular car that has been in production since 1972. It is known for its reliability, fuel efficiency, and sporty performance. The Civic has been available in a variety of body styles, including a sedan, hatchback, and coupe.

The First Generation Civic

The first generation Civic was introduced in 1972. It was a small, two-door car that was powered by a 1.2-liter engine. The Civic was an instant success, and it helped to establish Honda as a major automaker in the United States.

The Second Generation Civic

The second generation Civic was introduced in 1979. It was larger than the first generation Civic, and it offered a wider range of features. The second generation Civic was also available in a hatchback body style.

The Third Generation Civic

The third generation Civic was introduced in 1984. It was more aerodynamic than the previous generations, and it offered a more powerful engine. The third generation Civic was also available in a four-door sedan body style.

The Fourth Generation Civic

The fourth generation Civic was introduced in 1988. It was a major redesign, and it featured a more rounded shape. The fourth generation Civic was also available in a coupe body style.

The Fifth Generation Civic

The fifth generation Civic was introduced in 1992. It was more fuel-efficient than the previous generations, and it offered a more spacious interior. The fifth generation Civic was also available in a hybrid version.

The Sixth Generation Civic

The sixth generation Civic was introduced in 1996. It was more stylish than the previous generations, and it offered a more powerful engine. The sixth generation Civic was also available in a Si version, which offered a more sporty suspension and exhaust system.

The Seventh Generation Civic

The seventh generation Civic was introduced in 2001. It was more technologically advanced than the previous generations, and it offered a more comfortable ride. The seventh generation Civic was also available in a hybrid version.

The Eighth Generation Civic

The eighth generation Civic was introduced in 2006. It was more fuel-efficient than the previous generations, and it offered a more spacious interior. The eighth generation Civic was also available in a hybrid version.

The Ninth Generation Civic

The ninth generation Civic was introduced in 2012. It was more stylish than the previous generations, and it offered a more powerful engine. The ninth generation Civic was also available in a Si version, which offered a more sporty suspension and exhaust system.

The Tenth Generation Civic

The tenth generation Civic was introduced in 2016. It was more technologically advanced than the previous generations, and it offered a more comfortable ride. The tenth generation Civic was also available in a hatchback, coupe, and sedan body style.

The Eleventh Generation Civic

The eleventh generation Civic was introduced in 2022. It is more fuel-efficient than the previous generations and offers a more spacious interior. The eleventh generation Civic is also available in a hybrid version.

The Future of the Civic

The Honda Civic is a popular car that has been in production for over 50 years. It is known for its reliability, fuel efficiency, and sporty performance. The Civic has been available in a variety of body styles, including a sedan, hatchback, and coupe. The future of the Civic looks bright, as Honda continues to innovate and improve upon this popular car.

New Honda Stylo Uses Vario 160 Engine

New Honda Stylo officially launched in Indonesia. This retro-style scooter is equipped with a large engine with a capacity of 160 cc. This engine is the same as the engine used on the Vario 160 model. So what makes it different?

On paper, the New Honda Stylo uses a 156.9 cc, 4 stroke, 4 valve, eSP+, PGM-FI engine which can produce 11.3 kW of power at 8,500 rpm and maximum torque of 13.8 Nm at 7,000 rpm. The power and torque profile of the Honda Stylo 160 is exactly like that of the Vario 160.

Meanwhile, if we compare the weight, the Stylo 160 is heavier than the Vario 160, where the Stylo 160 has an empty weight of 118 kg (ABS) and 115 kg (CBS), and the Vario 160 has an empty weight of 117 kg (ABS) and 115 kg (CBS).

2024 Stylo Large Project Leader, Takuro Nakamura, explained that even though the engine is the same, the New Honda Stylo 2024 has received adjustments to the frame.

“Regarding the engine, basically the engine is the same as the Vario 160. But of course there are adjustments to the Stylo 160 frame,” said Nakamura at the AHM Safety Riding & Training Center, Cikarang, Friday (2/2/2024).

New Era Of Honda Is Honda Stylo

Nakamura continued to explain, the reason Stylo uses the 160 cc engine is because it has been proven to be reliable and economical. “With a 160 cc engine, we can still maintain the superior fuel economy of 45 km/liter,” continued Nakamura.

The New Honda Stylo 160 is marketed in two types, namely ABS and CBS with a total of 6 color variants. The ABS type is marketed for IDR 30,425,000 (on the road Jakarta) and is available in 3 colors, namely Royal Green, Royal Matte Black and Royal Matte White.

The CBS type is marketed at a price of IDR 27,550,000 (on the road Jakarta), available in 3 colors, namely Glam Red, Glam Black and Glam Beige.

This model is also equipped with a frame guarantee of up to 5 years with no mileage limit (kilometers), a PGM-FI injection component guarantee for 5 years or 60,000 km, an engine guarantee for 3 years or 36,000 km, an electrical guarantee for 1 year or 12,000 km.

Honda Collaborates with General Motors to Work on Hydrogen Engines for New Cars

Honda and General Motors (GM) announced cooperation to produce hydrogen fuel engines in the United States. They formed Fuel Cell System Manufacturing (FCSM), LLC.

This hydrogen fueled power unit has superior durability because it uses materials that are highly corrosion resistant and resistant to low temperatures. This system will be used in hydrogen fuel vehicles (FCEV) which Honda will launch in 2024.

Honda and GM have taken various approaches to reduce development and production costs. Among these are a significant reduction in the use of precious metals, increasing economies of scale through large production and standardizing sources of spare parts procurement. With the various efforts that have been made, the cost of the material cell system has been reduced to one third of the total cost.

FCSM was founded in January 2017. It is the first cooperative company in the automotive industry to focus on the production of advanced fuel cell systems. The GM battery manufacturing factory has a total investment of $85 million and was built on a 6,503 m2 land area in Brownstown, Michigan, United States.

Honda Collaborates With GM

“This start of production marks an important milestone for GM and Honda in our efforts to make transportation and other energy needs carbon neutral. Everyone at FCSM works as ‘one team’ with the mission of providing affordable hydrogen fuel cell systems to our customers,” said Suheb Haq, FCSM President.

FCSM Vice President Tetsuo Suzuki added that his party had created a powerful production system that integrated the strengths of Honda and GM.

“We have realized a high-quality mass production system that pays attention to detail, and strives to utilize hydrogen fuel cell technology in the future and the beginning of the hydrogen era. We are ready to meet your needs,” he said.

Since 2013, Honda and GM have been working together on the development of fuel cell systems with the goal of producing a more practical and low-cost system to expand their use and utility in the future.

Honda has a goal of achieving carbon neutrality through all of the company’s products and activities by 2050. This effort includes not only products, but also their entire life cycle, including company activities related to clean energy and resource circulation. Hydrogen is positioned as a promising energy carrier along with electricity. Honda has been conducting research and development on hydrogen and FCEV technology for more than 30 years.


Honda: A Global Leader in Innovation

Honda is a Japanese multinational corporation that specializes in motorcycles, automobiles, and power equipment. It is one of the world’s largest manufacturers of internal combustion engines, the world’s largest manufacturer of motorcycles, and the second-largest automobile manufacturer in Japan. Honda was founded in 1948 by Soichiro Honda and Takeo Fujisawa. The company’s mission is to “create and provide products and services that improve the lives of people worldwide.”

Honda is known for its innovative products and technologies. The company has a long history of developing first-in-class products, such as the Honda Civic, which was named the 2022 North American Car of the Year. Honda is also a leader in sustainable transportation, with a commitment to developing fuel-efficient and electric vehicles.

Honda’s Products

Honda’s product portfolio includes a wide range of vehicles, motorcycles, and power equipment. The company’s automotive lineup includes cars, SUVs, trucks, and minivans. Honda’s motorcycles are known for their reliability and performance. The company’s power equipment includes lawnmowers, generators, and snowblowers.

Honda’s Operations

Honda has a global presence, with operations in over 200 countries and territories. The company has over 310,000 employees worldwide. Honda’s manufacturing facilities are located in over 30 countries.

Honda’s Sustainability Efforts

Honda is committed to sustainability. The company has set ambitious goals for reducing its environmental impact. Honda is working to reduce its CO2 emissions, increase its use of renewable energy, and recycle more materials.

Honda’s Future

Honda is well-positioned for the future. The company has a strong track record of innovation and is committed to sustainability. Honda is investing in new technologies, such as electric vehicles and autonomous driving. The company is also expanding its operations in emerging markets.

Honda’s Impact on the World

Honda has had a significant impact on the world. The company’s products have made transportation more affordable and accessible. Honda’s technologies have helped to improve the environment. Honda’s commitment to sustainability is making a positive difference in the world.

Excited about moving to Honda, Luca Marini: It’s like defending Real Madrid-Barcelona

Luca Marini is happy to be able to defend Repsol Honda next season. Because, in his eyes, Repsol Honda is one of the strongest teams in MotoGP.

As reported by GPOne, when he received an offer from Honda, Luca Marini immediately immediately contacted his older brother, Valentino Rossi, to ask for input. At that time, he talked about his hopes and career opportunities in the future.

“To be honest, the first person I contacted was my brother (Rossi). You see, he is the team principal and owner of VR46 Racing. Apart from that, he is a great figure with a lot of experience,” said Luca Marini, quoted Friday (19/1).

“I explained to him what I felt and thought. I think this is probably the best opportunity for my career, for my life and everything else,” he added.

The 26 year old racer has a contract with Honda for the next two seasons. If the performance is convincing, it is not impossible that there will be a contract extension. For Marini, if Honda is a football team, then they are as big as Real Madrid or Barcelona.

“I think I am the right person for Honda now. I also feel Honda is the ideal team. It feels like a dream, moving to Honda is like playing for Real Madrid or Barcelona,” he said.

Marini is aware that recent MotoGP competition has only been dominated by teams from Europe, such as Ducati, KTM and Aprilia. However, he said, that doesn’t mean the Japanese team doesn’t have a chance. Marini is confident that he and Honda will be able to give their best in the championship next season.

“This will not be easy, but we have to work seriously to beat our rivals in MotoGP. I am sure, we have the potential and great people to make this dream come true,” he said.


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